Sudden fit of creativity.

Me: my hands are itching give me something, anything ?

Sis: Lotion?

Me: No. Paints pastels pencils..

Sis: Check that bag you might find something..

Now let me explain situation of that bag. It had pencils, markets, pastels, crayons chalks etc etc etc .. of at least our past five generations!

Ad elephant can get lost in the bag!

It took my minutes to muster up courage, take a deep breath and shove my hand in it.

And this is what I could use..

Then cleaned them..

And then fixed that sudden fit of creativity.

It started with hair in a picture as inspiration. And added little bit of Gabrielle Munter touch.

I had to stop at one point where I felt I’m starting to screw this up.

Feeling better now, not satisfied tho.

That’s all for now.

Have a nice day 🙂


Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I am inviting Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

Copyright © 2019 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

Here’s the link to my debut poetry collection => Swinging Sanity

Here’s the link to my post about the book –All About Swinging Sanity

19 thoughts on “Sudden fit of creativity.

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    1. I don’t know. Never thought of it. For me it’s more linked to stress or when I badly need a diversion or when something inside me want to say something but not in words. Hope I’m making any sense.

      Thank you but that’s soft pastels. 🙂

      Thank a lot for stopping by.


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