Expressionism-Always and Forever!

I feel good!!! Which is a rarity. but! I actually do. I have this sketch pad that I was using for my works which I resumed my art after a few lifetimes… I found a work of mine… and I was thinking, why I don't do this anymore? Where did that fearless fluidity go? I... Continue Reading →

A little failure story…

I think sharing your failures is as important as sharing your wins (obviously keeping your audience in mind). As you guys are my little fam so here is my brand new failure story. I loved a tutorial of sunset at sea. And I love beaches and sunsets, who doesn't really. So I dared myself to... Continue Reading →

Joy – Pastel Portrait

Did this one in 3 sittings 1st one, where I started in a happy mood and wanted to name this one Joy. First time I actually came up with a proper name 2nd, when I was struggling and trying to cope by almost ruining it 3rd, The damage control (sort of). Approached it with more... Continue Reading →

Art and the Process

With this work I felt like I want to talk about the process. Initially I would stop working on an art piece in one sitting. I always felt like it kinda breaks the flow. Especially the charcoal ones, they are always done in one sitting. It’s like your hand movements are in a rhythm and... Continue Reading →

Angelic – Portrait Art

Last night I stopped this portrait at one point because I got tired and I was afraid I will mess this up. So here is the whole process because you guys liked it last time. This is where I stopped yesterday. Then today I completed with a lot of trial and error and following is... Continue Reading →

Red – Portrait Art

I accidentally, actually alarmingly woke up early today because I heard water dripping. And that is the most effective alarm ever! But it’s been like 6 hours and I haven’t found anything like that yet. So I got a few things done and then I was just missing pastels. The only inspiration in my head... Continue Reading →

Pastels – Portrait Art

I don’t know where to begin, the background story behind this one is size of infinite jest! And I’m tired, as always. So. I took this picture of my living room few days back and loved the color theme going on here. After that I googled portraits for reference and found one. Now here’s a... Continue Reading →

Aaaaaannd.. Done! – Portrait art

Remember that portrait I ended up making look like Michael Jackson? This one.. Yea here's the whole story. So my portraits are mostly instinctive. I don't use reference images and just do my thing. This time I thought maybe if I trace from an image I would save me the time of drawing the image... Continue Reading →

Motivation and all..

We all have our own precess, our own formula of to approach a task and accomplish it.Self-publishing, if you are serious about it is a daunting one-man show. Especially if you do everything by yourself.I have a checklist, everything is like a milestone in a marathon.But you need to envision the finishing line.If you don't... Continue Reading →

Sudden fit of creativity.

Me: my hands are itching give me something, anything ? Sis: Lotion? Me: No. Paints pastels pencils.. Sis: Check that bag you might find something.. Now let me explain situation of that bag. It had pencils, markets, pastels, crayons chalks etc etc etc .. of at least our past five generations! Ad elephant can get... Continue Reading →

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