Art Attack

I was actually planning to take a proper break from words..reading writing both..

but turns out that doesn’t work for me. this place has an undeniable magnetic force that I can’t fight.

so i sort of kept diverting my mind. what else than doing a little research on what you love to do??

so I watched video about expressionism (that’s my kind of art) and masterpieces and different techniques artists used.

now I have never properly studies arts so it’s a good start to learn.

one thing I realize again and again it’s all about layering. layering thin layers of colors give depth and dimension.

saved a few reference images too of the famous art works.. it helps you understand color palettes of certain era.

I watched videos about different art movements to find out maybe there’s something else too that I can call my form of art.

There are differences between all of them like types of strokes, colors themes, the idea of artists behind the whole movement, and I always came back to expressionism.

Expressionism shouts, growls, cries and laughs or just stares into the soul..haunting you..captivating you..I am natural drawn to it.

Edvard Munch’s “scream” is an example that says it all..


then I went on to watch few tutorials of drawings with white on black. I find it frightening every time as its hard to correct. I came across this tutorial ..and gave it a try..

here is the result..


I kinda like it..

I will close with this Pablo Picasso quote

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.

And let me add another quote, this one by Albert Camus, as I have to fit today’s prompt somewhere..

A Guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession.


Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I am inviting Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

55 thoughts on “Art Attack

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  1. When I studied years ago I was into realism & hated anything impressionistic. As the years went by I really began to appreciate impressionism but haven’t learned to appreciate the expressionists yet. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your post really moved me and your drawing is amazing. I’ve found inspiration in your words and your art. I, too, find myself turning to art, when words fail me. The icing on the cake of your post lies in the closing quotes that were very well chosen and very good advice.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Stoner!!! OMG, it’s freakin’ awesome. You are one talented artist – both in written and ‘picture’ format.
    Love the quote by Camus, too. Makes me think more about my own manuscript and how much of it is propelled by my need to confess. All of it, I reckon. And that is OK.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. Really loved this post. I love expressionism too. It expresses the heaven and hell of life and thoughts. The quotations show the candid side of art. Your drawing is awesome.
    So basically, you are a writer and artist. Why not start attending art classes? You already have the talent. It just makes you work more regularly, and you meet like-minded people. Best of all, you have a guide to get you through when you are stuck.
    .Yes ‘the scream’ is one of my favourite art works too. Very expressive. I used to love Salvador Dalis work too. But that’s Surrealism, another fascinating ‘ism’. Lately, I’m more into cubism and impressionism.
    Really liked this blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I knew you will like it and I am glad you did.
      expressionism’s name says it all. I am mostly fascinated by post-impressionism and’s like gradually rising from calm to chaos. even the shift in stores and color palette.

      thanks for appreciating.

      I do plan to take classes just a few things stuck in pipeline have to sort those first. but publishing a book and art classes art on the list definitely.
      Dali’s work is indeed unique and surrealism is so aptly named. there is woody Allen money “midnight in Paris” it touches art and literature of different eras. nice movie.

      cubism weirdly makes me uncomfortable, I guess some sort of OCD. I actually tried practicing it but it made me uneasy so I gave up.
      impressionism is a radiating form of art. its soulful.

      thank you so much for reading and appreciating 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your detailed reply. Also for suggestiin if the Woody Allen movie. Really curious about where you live. But wherever it is, just stay blessed. BTW we writers can usually thrive on being alone, whether in a crowd or not. We just need to be strong and be really alert to new and fresh idea. There is need to check some medical reason for feeling low e.g not sleeping enough causes lots of ‘affects’. So we need to watch out and take good care of ourselves. Take care!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am Pakistani residing in UAE. thanks for blessing 🙂
        actually I am not a writer or artist professionally.
        yea I actually do care of my health. and I could read the patterns when something feels off. I was just very nostalgic and missing old days. that did it.
        thank you so much.
        you take care too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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