Survival Kit Concept.

A friend of mine visited me and we were sitting in our art studio.

Yup! We have a room that actually looks like an art studio as we keep all our art supplies in that room. It was never planned; it’s my ex-bedroom.

Well. She came and she saw a pocket size set of dry pastels. She grabbed the nearest journal and started drawing something on it.

I was watching her closely from across the room.

My friend who got an “artist of the year” title at school held a pastel after I think a decade. She loved oil pastels and was a pro at it. All these years she was studying IT and we all forgot her born talent. Now right before my eyes same school girl was engrossed in her new art piece like she never lost touch.

I didn’t even have to look at it to tell she must have created something astounding… and she had!

Another skill of hers was poetry. Words flowed through ink whenever she held the pen. So natural, so graceful.

We talked and talked like we always do. She is my best buddy. The closest person in my life. I literally begged her to Buff out her skills because when a tragedy strikes these are what help you Survive.

You are born with them for a reason.

she assured me she will do something about it soon..her poetry collection is almost ready.

Another friend came once and she grabbed sketch pencils and sketchbook. She made a very random gloomy abstract image. The image had pulse of its own; it could talk to you when you look at it. I had no idea she was such an amazing artist neither did she know.

Next day we ran to art store and with the help of an art student we got sketchbooks, sketch pencils of different numbers, a watercolor pencil box and other necessary stuff for her and explained to her that this is her survival kit!

This is what’s going to help her get through life!

Then there was this lovely girl I became friends with recently. Autoimmune is our common ground. She is magician with words.

Excellent vocabulary! Brilliantly expressive and one of the funniest people I know. I explained the same survival kit concept to her too. And guess what?? She is self-learning French and Spanish. I can’t wait to see her multi-lingual blog!

Together we can make this circle by encouraging and supporting each other. Sometimes all it takes is just a few kind words.

31 thoughts on “Survival Kit Concept.

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  1. I love the spirit of this post! I’ve been surprised and delighted by the warmth of the blogging community, and your talk of supporting one example of why I’m so glad to be a part of it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post !! I so much agree with your idea of survival kit 🙂 . My blog is my survival kit or kind of refresher drink for me 🙂 . The way you intepret a word and make a writing is simply soo warm and lovely . Looking forward for much more from you .

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You can its a little tricky with phone. The editing part gets screwed up at times

        You write a post. It should have the word in it. Eg. Today’s ”amble”
        You go to the link of daily prompt and go to “show instruction”. There you will get the code that you have to copy and paste in place of the word “amble” (in html mode)

        And publish it!!
        Easy peasy!


      2. Lol the instructions do not even give the code on the phone version. Stupid app. I did on the desktop much easier. Thanks for your help.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Just found this post and whoa, this is amazing! Thank you for giving me idea about this survival kit concept. I recently rediscovered my passion in dancing and it felt good to dance again. Maybe it can be my version of survival kit.

    Liked by 1 person

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