En route to hospital- Part-2

For the first episode of this drama go here=> En route to hospital

If you are at the mercy of a nurse and you hear “shit” do not look…i repeat DO NOT LOOK!

So when I went for first needle I had to give blood for creatinine I showed them my strongest vein and clearly told them I have tricky veins they are very thin and they hurt so take your time.

That went ok.

Second was to inject contrast (dye) for CT scan.

So for this new one I told them about my veins again and told them my only functional vein was punctured just half an hour back.

The nurse tried to look for veins and concluded she will have to prick the same vein again. I said ok.. maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be done.

I wasn’t looking. I felt the prick and then I heard “shit”

I had a mini heart attack!

Do not look..do not look..

I kept telling myself and tried to stay calm.

I felt she was sort of struggling with needle and she clearly looked worried.

For a moment I was hoping the needle hadn’t Broken..and thank God it didn’t.

Then I asked as calm as I could, “what happened”

She almost murmured something I could only hear “vein.. and rupture” and a lot of “sorry”.

Ok now here is the thing. In situations like this you need to stay calm because she looked so worried if I freaked out it could go worse.

I am grateful she was honest.

And I know it’s my veins,  not her fault.

I told her it’s ok and talked a little about checking other veins..she tried for some more time then she moved to other arm. I didn’t look at my arm throughout.

Then I heard another “shit”

2 shits a day..at a hospital..

I was having horrible panic attack but it could go worse so was really trying to stay collected.

I again heard the word “ruptured”

Honestly it was hard to join words at that point. I was having full blown panic attack but I was already at a hospital bed so I was safe.

The girl was nice. I kept telling her it wasn’t her fault because I know it wasn’t!

Thing like that do happen to me.

To ease her down I told her a few of my experiences.

She was honest and was feeling bad that I was in pain.

I was feeling bad for both of us.

Well.. it was difficult half and hour..

Came back did icing as suggested (and reminded again and again by my lovely new blog friend  https://wanderingformoney.com )

Moral of the story .. when you need to get an IV/injection/give blood and all..anything where needles are involved, drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated. I was dehydrated too.

Then tell them beforehand if you know anything about your veins. It helps a lot trust me.

And if you feel something is going wrong stay alert and try to stay calm. Think. Don’t panic.

That’s all folks!

Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I am inviting Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

31 thoughts on “En route to hospital- Part-2

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  1. So sorry to hear you have bad veins. I do too because of years of low blood pressure. Doctors keep mentioning a port. That gives me serious anxiety issues. Blown out or ruptured veins can bruise and look nasty. Hope you don’t look beat up! 💝

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve had fun with needles myself. Nothing like you though. I had to get labs done today. The only good vein I have is in my left arm. That is where I get stuck ALL THE TIME. 2 weeks ago I was in the hospital, hooked up to an IV, in my left arm. The next day I had to get blood drawn, in my left arm. Fast forward to today. I told the lady to take it out of my left arm. “Oh, it looks like you have had blood drawn recently, I’ll try not to use the same hole” That was the first time anyone had been worried about sticking me in the same hole. When I was in the hospital for my gallbladder, they were taking blood from me every 30 minutes. It hurt after awhile. Being stuck in the same place. It starts to form scar tissue quick.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yea. they are not supposed to prick the same vein again and again. in my case its in right arm. inside elbow. there is a functional vein.
      there was a time I have to be given IVs (drips) twice a day for a week..thats was probably physically most painful time of my life. they could use canola as I wasnt admitted. so imagine..
      hope you are okay…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. For the most part I’m ok. I have surgery set for July 6 for a 10cm cyst on my right ovary. It is rather painful but alternating between tylenol and rx motrin and It keeps the pain at bay. I hope YOU are ok. getting pricked is never fun.


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