About ME

I just saw somebody’s “about” page and it hit me how come I haven’t written anything in my about page yet??

But guess what, funny story, few days back I didn’t even have a contact form!

So here it is.

First of all, I am not an actual stoner!

Yes, I have never even seen drugs in my life or maybe I saw and I didn’t know what it was. So no I haven’t done drugs, EVER!

You can read background story of the blog name here => Stoner

And I am a woman/female/girl! don’t get confused with “stoner” part.

I started in August 2016 when I wasn’t in a good place and not quite right in the head. I had to let it out before a nasty brain explosion would take place.

Then my best friend suggested I start a blog. Before this, I hadn’t even read one, so I kick-started it on 27th Dec 2016 and the rest is history.

So far, this place has given me more than I could ever ask for. It’s been serving as a huge dumpster where I come and dump all the chaotic mess that annoys my brain cells and my own opinions solely based on my own personal observation and experiences.

And in return, I get love and support from these gems I have befriended here.

I started writing my novel that I am awfully passionate about.

And published my debut poetry collection Swinging Sanity

About myself, well I am a quintessential weirdo. I don’t fit anywhere. I have a hyperactive brain. I don’t need hallucinogenic I was born with a compartment full of them in my head that keeps on overflowing every now and then.

I needed a magnet that could pull all the thoughts, abstractions, fears, insecurities, rants, almost everything that keeps on flying in this dome I have at the top of my body, in one direction. My blog serves as that magnet.

And my immune system is as batshit crazy as its host. I am an autoimmune survivor. I am Jack’s trembling skeleton (fight club).

Overall I am a friendly person until somebody stomps on my nerve and then my kindness gets petrified of my reaction and jumps out of the window to escape.

I am a foodie that is one thing I know about myself a 100%.

A very typical scorpion (the zodiac, not an actual one please).

Wannabe guitarist, artist and writer..wannabe everything. I am under construction.

Hoarder of words, quotes, ideas, books books books and more books.

And a firm believer in “live and let live”

In the end, I would like to share a quote that sums up my reasons to stay anonymous (if I still fall into that category).


Thank You 🙂


Copyright © 2020 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

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Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I invite Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

145 thoughts on “About ME

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      1. No, silly. Because your name is Stoner On A Rollercoaster. Well, that’s likely not your actual name, but you know what I mean. It’s not an insult, by the way. I know lots of stoners, and was one myself, and they’re all fine people. A few memory issues, but I love them just the same. 😃😃

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Well, my parents were old hippies, so pot was always around when I was growing up. I don’t have any issue with it at all. I rather somebody smoke pot than drink excessively. To me, it should be legal. But that’s for another rant. 😃

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Hahaha! Well, yes, I do love pot. Can’t deny that. But science is justifying its benefits, not me. As a therapist, I see a dozen patients a week who would benefit from it. From appetite stimulation to decreasing anxiety to pain relief, etc, etc. Get these people off addictive narcotics that do not give them relief. I could go on and on. It’s so ridiculous that it is classified in the same breath as heroin and cocaine. Not to mention the increased tax revenue if it were legal. Yes. I do love pot. But not just for the reason you think I do.

        Liked by 4 people

      4. Huh? I’m not a professional photographer, though I love it very much. I’m an OT. No, I don’t psychoanalyze people, though I did have to take several psych courses as part of the degree program. Some OT’s do work in psych settings, but that’s not my gig.

        As for thinking you’re a stoner? Honestly, I didn’t give a thought to that at all, and it doesn’t really matter to me if you are or aren’t. Yes, I enjoy marijuana. Yes, I’m a staunch voice of its health-related benefits, the benefits of decriminalization, and the benefits of a new and profitable tax base. But I don’t care who does or doesn’t smoke pot. Some of the best humans I’ve known or do know are “stoners”….but some of the best people I know are NOT “stoners” as well. It’s really irrelevant to whom a person is to me.

        As for you? I’m not here to judge you on anything. I enjoy seeing your work, reading your words, and having the gift of insight into your version of the human condition. I like you and I enjoy conversing with you. That’s why I’m here. 😊


  1. First of all, I clicked on “About” and my phone died. I thought…THAT’S a message! Hahaha. Anyway, I liked how you described you and can still remain private. I am a pretty private person too. Have a nice evening , my day begins….

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Good page, am coming down with something at the moment. Parents have given me the dreaded “lurgi” so can’t give you a decent opinion, if I have one. Total brain fart mode. It’s great you’re staying private and just letting out as much as you want about yourself 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the quote above, especially the bit about ‘…safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.’ ‘About’ section is great- poignant, humorous, human and so much more. Thank you Stoner.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks you have provided me with a ‘thought for the day!’

    Yes-the quote really makes you stop and think-most people spend their life trying to be understood but this puts a whole other spin on it. People could spend their time feeling that they are ‘understood’ when perhaps assumptions, extrapolations and generalisations are being made so that the person is just being pigeon-holed, or misunderstood or misquoted etc.

    Better to acknowledge that we can never fully understand each other (because even if we did fully understand someone at one point in time, their standpoint may well evolve and change over time). What we can do is respect each interaction and try to understand the other person, in that moment.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Everything is evolving. Everything has a begining and it fades to and end.
      I never wanted to be understood generally. I always wore a mask even In my real life. That was dropped once i formed some kind of bond to a person. I always had this fear of being known and understood because once you are an open book you feel vulnerable..weak..

      I completely agree with thw 2nd part. Theres no point in trying to understand each other. Let people be what they are and they will always try to be their best for you.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Enslaved by understanding?! I had no idea.
    From one wannabe everything to another: I’m trying not to understand, but actually I kind of do. If your anonymity does not protect you from enslavement, I hereby free you.
    I’ve changed my about page dozens of times. It doesn’t get read very often, so I feel free to fiddle with each passing passion.
    Cheers —

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This world is a cruel place. Better we accept it so that we know what we are dealing with.
      This is jist of whatever i have learned so far. Never unveil everything about you and be selective with what you are sharing.
      So far anonymity is working like a charm. 🙂

      Yes people dont read it often thats why most of them assume i am a guy and an actual stoner 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for stopping by The Red Box of Dreams. I look forward to reading your blog and exchanging ideas. Take care, Beth (on the coast of Florida near Pensacola)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. BRAVO!
    It was a friend who suggested I ‘do a blog’ back in August this year …. just LOOK how far you’ve come! Well done you. Keep going. Keep typing and talking to us. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started in december last year but it was on sleep mode.
      August last year i started writing journal.
      This year april i started blogging regularly.
      This baby is turning one on 27th dec. 🙂

      Yea we have come really far in this 1 year.
      Thanks alot for appriciating 🙂


  8. First, this is an AWESOME About!!! I love Kihlil Gibran and frequently quote him. Hyperactive brain? Oh no, I think that’s what I have. As far as hallucinogens when I was young and dumb I did try some weed and my friends wanted to strangle me because I thought I was dying and told them I needed to go to the ER. So drugs (not including alcohol) wasn’t my thing because I had great respect for what they could do to the mind. I look forward to visiting more often I like your sense of humor. Have a good one! ~Steph

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ahah thanks.
      I am huge Khalil Gibran fan. my blog is full of Rumi, Khalil Gibran.. in fact few days back I did a whole post on Khalil Gibran from another blog as a guest author. couldn’t reblog it on my blog due to some technical issue.

      ahaha I have never tried alcohol or drugs. I think I get high on boredom. being bored is dangerous for me.
      thank you so much. again I am humbled 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alcohol for me allowed me to come out of my shell and had me thinking I was the life of the party. Till this day I’m still not sure I was but friends told me I was so funny and unhibitied but I reached the point where it became a problem so now I’m addicted to my computer which is a safer hobby.


      2. Oh I’m a mess in the head. Have chronic depression/anxiety and a therapist told me years ago that I’m not full blown OCD and he used OCD trait terminology. As I type this I just realized I never Googled it. Oh well I have these guidelines or rules that I follow for just about everything I do. But honestly I think it’s a family thing because most of my family members operate on the same level. Maybe we’re all nuts. 😉

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      3. I struggled with anxiety all my life and it was confirm after I turned 28.
        I am a germaphobe. the OCD trait I have is washing hands all the time. its crazy. my hands have become dry and scaly but I have to keep washing.
        I think anxiety runs in my family too. I see all the symptoms in my dad. we all have our own leaf of Xanax. not all of us take it. but we keep it.

        we both have things in common..I am glad to have found you here 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I used to be a hand washer when I was younger. I still do but not as much, thanks to antibacterial and lotion. I MUST have lotion. I am a germophobe and oddly enough was the only person in my household and work to get H1N1 a few years back. And everyone said it’s because I avoid germs. Just recently I had this nasty eye infection and again everyone was like “see, it’s because your immune system has been weakened.” I really don’t care what they think I still have an aversion to germs.

        I’m glad to have found you as well. This is one of the main benefits of blogging.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. thats the crap people gave me. I have disinfectants in every corner of my home. when I got autoimmune people said its because you were germaphobe and probably OCD.
        well. I don’t know.
        I have kept lotion on the sink still forget to apply it. I hope I get over this obsession its crazy and annoying to people around me.
        whats H1N1?

        Liked by 1 person

      6. H1N1 is swine flu. I was so sick I didn’t want to go to the doctor’s but they told me I had to come in because my fever was 103. The nurse who tested me was all excited because it was the first case of swine flu they’ve had in their office. Since it was August, even before the CDC confirmed the diagnosis my doctor knew it was swine because it wasn’t yet flu season.

        Everyone around me tells me I have “issues” because I need stuff to be just so but I’ve been this way all my life and it’s highly unlikely I’ll change at this stage of my life. Plus there’s the added bonus of driving them nuts, so there’s that.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. >>I have a hyperactive brain. I don’t need hallucinogenic I was born with a compartment full of them in my head that keeps on overflowing every now and then.<< Me too, haha 😀 I know this problem very well. It will sometimes make you mad…But i rather tend to overly reflect about myself and my environment, than being dull and without passion. Most creative people tend to have such "hyperactive brains" as you said. You are not alone 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. No, your drawing is fine! I think I wasn’t clear: it’s going left to right at the top of the loop, but when it hits the bottom of that loop it must continue on to the left, up that big incline… as I say, it does my head in 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Stoner! I enjoyed your ABOUT and writing style and thought that we have a lot in common. Though my identity may be known I consider myself a loner, secretive, anonymous or unknown, unconventional, iconoclastic, along this line. I use my blog to express some of the real me that wants to speak up a lot of what wants to be released and right now it’s in my art so I call it my ‘Journal About Art and Life’. I enjoyed the comments on OCD’s. Did you know that they are very common and in fact over a million people have them serious enough to need counseling and treatment. I am doing a study of my own to find the unusual/abnormal behaviors of people starting with my own family! How do we live with people like that is where I’m at!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome 🙂

      I am glad you enjoyed reading and felt similarities i keep on saying we all are birds of same feather who have gathered here.
      Art and writing can help people explore thier own selves its like a digging out what you are capable of. You have aptly named your blog i like it.

      I read about it and looked at my dry hands. Its insane. I do know its really really common but its now only when people have started accepting and realising OCD same goes for most of the mental health issue. Counseling has to be there in severe cases as recently cubism art started making unconfortable. I actually likes it in the begining but i found it hard to look at.
      Anxiety cripples you.
      I understand. I hope you succeed in your study and be able to help people like us 🙂
      Thanks alot for taking time to read and comment. Means alot 🙂


  11. I love the Khalil Gibran quote you used!
    And I totally thought you were a stoner but your about page cleared that up 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Just checked out this and it makes me crack up. Love the cover, and it is nice to see more about who’s on the inside. I never used. In the crowds I was in that was hard. I like to say I didn’t need to use but there was no one around to listen

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  13. rollercoaster, that reminds my mood swings when I was younger and slightly bipolar 🙂 I had sparkles of creativity, I started something stunning and never finished…. today I am older and wiser, and did a long way….. quite happy not to be in my twenties anymore…. but inside I feel like 15. so when I write here I am just 15. and wonder how it would be to grow up in an era not social, but I can reassure you, mental health has always been a struggle … misunderstood and stigmatised … why that? dunno. because those people who are ready to judge and categorize are just terryfied to admit they are mental and need some help from outside, to explore and express the best of themselves. thank you for being here. I wish you wouldn’t mind to put your picture and name, but it’s easy for me, I write in a language which is not mine ( italian living in france ) wherelse could I hide? lol take a good care beautiful xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was always ahead of my age mentally. Was always somewhere else in my head. Almost dillusion.
      I have a lot of under construction projects (2 books) that i plan to merge but i stopped as i believe it really has to come to me. I am not forcing it right now.
      I can jump age as required. But i always feel i was wiser than people my age due to my own experiences. With my closest friends i am still a stupid emotional teen.
      I so agree!
      Mental health is not even considered a health problen in my part of world. Now people are still making an effort but there is still a very long journey to cover to be able to accept it as a health problem that needs treatment.
      We like to stay in denial until it hits us on a personal level. It’s just human nature i guess. I have seen cancer and autoimmune closely. I wasn’t this frustrated by ignorance of people.
      Thank you for understanding and helping with the effort.
      Maybe some day i will. Right now i am enjoying my anonymity here.
      I write in language that’s not mine either (Pakistani living in UAE) i still feel im not hidden completely.
      You take care too. Thanks 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. so it’s you my guest from UAE 🙂 it’s nice to meet you. I can’t even imagine how mental health is treated in UAE, but in Europe it’s not far. except we have this great philosopher who introduced mindfulness in parisian hospitals to treat depression, now he left his job to focus on contemplation, meditation. … check christophe andré. his book helped me with accepting not to be perfect or trying to get to perfection; it was a huge step toward self acceptance. Great to share with you. I have just asked to a pakistanese to design my logo, for signature, one of last ideas lol, I was surprised to find pakistanese in graphic design. Sorry. I hope I can show you what he can do. Two books … ok, when you are ready. I see you are a huge fan of Agatha Christie, I loved Ten little indians when kid, not sure if it’s same than And then there were none….. cute xx


      2. I have noticed globally we are at 2 3 steps..at some places people have no clue about it at all and they have very shitty concepts. Then there are places where people are getting to know thats it has something to do with health..and the most aware are the once that are sadly most confused too because there are very thin lines between the disorders.
        So globally we still have a lot to do. A lot to fight for.
        I have been hearing alot about mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy and alot of different therapies and all that are working besides medication. But i urge and beg people need to get medical help for themselves and listen to doctors and do your own research too. Do not at any cost ignore your health.
        I have accepted myself with all my flaws scars problems. There was a time i tried to change and fit in, it ruined me. So never doing it again!
        Great to have you here.🙂
        Pakistanis are good in IT. People have a funny image of us as a nation because of what media choose to paint. I am not surprised 🙂
        It’s the same book. I am bigger fan of alot of other authors but i read those books when i was writing reviews. Right now reading and reviewing is on hold. Khalil Jibran’s work is something i read all the time. Literally start flipping pages randomly. Lol. Right now in the middle of “Rebecca”, “never let me go” and “the trial” by Kafka..lol..perjs of having hyper brain..

        Liked by 1 person

      3. wow yes, I see, you have hyper functional brain connections, like Einstein, no kidding 🙂 I deeply recommend you mindfulness, you will focus your thoughts energy and smash it 🙂 but most importantly, you will be able to relax and enjoy more….. I admit to be ignorant about paki, like french call them, in italy, my family lives in front of pakis too, and they are pretty surprised I say “hello” to them, like you know, people have to be scared of each other, just because we are different cultures !!!! keep it up xx amazing to talk with you

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      4. Einstein..😂 thank God he can’t read it.
        Yea my friend told.me something that you sit in silence and focus on 1 goal only then all your energies start flowing towards it. I will try it someday.
        Yea a lot of people (including us sometimes) call us Pakis. It’s actually funny they get surprised by hello. Maybe bad experiences or just general fear of culture difference, which i don’t understand.
        In UAE there are so many different nationalities it’s hard to guess nationaity of person sitting next to you. So we don’t really get surprised by smiles and hellos.
        Same here 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      1. yes they are most kind and precious …. we are so blessed to have this free platform to communicate with each other about anything and everything 🙂


  14. I’ve been on your site so many times in the past that I just assumed I was a follower. But I have a tendency to visit the sites of those who comment, so I suppose that’s why I’ve been here. Sorry for that oversight. Calling yourself a stoner does seem like a bit of a bait and switch. Those of us with drug abuse backgrounds are often looking for people with shared experiences, so I was disappointed by your disclosure of clean living. But we clearly have a shared background in mental illness. And I love discovering new blogs so following someone who reblogs others’ posts from time to time is a great fit for me. Thank you for *my* reblog today. I like that post, and while it has gotten a lot of traffic in the past, I still think it’s a good message to get out. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s ok often times i forget who i am not following and still reading.
      I don’t call myself a stoner. My father calls me that not to mock actual stoners. It has whole background that i explained in a post but i had to put pw on it for privacy reason. Will give you that.
      In fact i thought a lot of people might be repelled by the title. It was never about followers and traffic i have a vast range of content and following already. I know the tactics of increasing following that i clearly don’t use enough.
      It’s not about numbers. I don’t earn on this blog. I just wanted to be a part of a community who would let me be what i am and let me say what i want. It started as a coping mechanism and it keeps me alive.
      I am sorry it disappointed you.
      You can check my poetry category that i did for NaPoWriMo and AtoZ challenge combined. The theme was ‘normal or not’. So yea. I know what mental illness is. Not click and bait there.
      I am glad you felt it’s worth following.
      My pleasure.
      I liked the tone of it. I am trying to cover diverse subject in reblogs.
      It is indeed
      Thanks for commenting and following.


  15. Dear “not an actual stoner”: Just as many polticians and celebrities (at least here in the US) skip the actual education and just take the “honorary Ph.D.” when they get famous, you can be an honorary stoner without having gone through the actual experience. I hereby grant you that title. Signed, An actual stoner. Or formerly so. Now I am a law-abiding citizen. Well, at least an “honorary” law-abiding citizen, which means about as much as those honorary Ph.D.s given to celebrities and politicians.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ahaha
      Dear hollowhead…no no doesn’t sound ok.
      Dear Ex-stoner,
      That is a global practice! I was given title of honorary stoner when i was in teens and left the explaining part to me, that’s why it’s in the blog name.
      Thanks for attesting to that, my dad is going to be so happy. 🙂

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      1. In the stoner days of the hippie 60s, when getting stoned was a political act, an effort to defy the Establishment and re-envision our connection to the cosmos and to each other, we had a saying: “Question Authority.” It was a good saying, but in this case, IT DOES NOT APPLY TO YOUR DAD 🙂

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  16. Very thoughtful & honest expression about yourself. I am truly glad I found your page. I too have to rethink about my ABOUT page now I think… It’s an honor to know you here…. 🙂


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