Motivation and all..

We all have our own precess, our own formula of to approach a task and accomplish it.

Self-publishing, if you are serious about it is a daunting one-man show. Especially if you do everything by yourself.

I have a checklist, everything is like a milestone in a marathon.

But you need to envision the finishing line.

If you don’t know what you want, you will be lost.

For portrait art it’s always eyes.

I finish eyes first, then I don’t drift away. Eyes are my beacon.

Lebowski’s rug, it ties the portrait togather.

But for book, it’s the cover.

So I drafted a quick one for me second book which is stuck in editing phase.

It’s not cover reveal. Its not official cover.

I haven’t decided on the name of the book yet.

But there’s very high chance i will be using this artwork and my name, obviously.

Long ago I decided this pastel portrait is one of the top candidates for book cover art. It’s very close to my heart, I’m extremely emotionaly attached to it. Even if I don’t use it for final cover, this will keep me motivated.

So here I’m dropping the anchor to keep me focused around my 2nd book.

To keep me motivated and all. Honestly editing sucks all the excitement out of you, thats why i made this cover idea in a haste.

Wish me luck guys.

I need it.

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