
skip it if you don’t have time. its just a ramble.

For last 3 days I thought I was dizzy. But I didn’t have headache. And I’m not on any medication.

And then I realized that’s because I’m not wearing my glasses. Why do I do this?

Well took my both pairs of glasses from my office bag. Yea I have like 3 office bags and I was carrying 2 of them at least at one time.

I just didn’t touch them after that day.

It’s been a numb phase where I keep telling myself I did the right thing but it’s hard to suddenly move on.

But let me share something with you all.

I left this message to my receptionist..


Then she said she felt bad and I said this…


Akhirah is day of judgement and Alhamdolillah means thank God.

This is what gives me some peace.

It’s hard when thing are going wrong all around you and you see people being victimized. The impact on me wasn’t that big but it was all around me. I felt like I am being a part of other’s wrong doing by just being silent audience.

On the other hand I was being exploited because of my gender and tone.

I am not telling my family what happened. My other job offer is in process and I do have work so no problem. But I told my aunt who really supports me.

And I asked her “are you worried? Are you okay?”

She said “i am glad you stood for yourself. At least you stood. You did whatever you could. You didn’t allow people to exploit you. We are raised to be scared of people and tolerate every form of injustice that’s done to us. I’m glad something changed.”

And it was enough.

My friends said they are proud of me. Honestly I’m too.

I disarmed a horrible person with my soft tone.

My grandpa used to say your word should be firm but your tone should be soft. I did that.


Changes are weird.

I feel like a plank of wood stranded on calm waters.

Couldn’t word it better.

Either life is too busy. Or it suddenly freezes on one frame.

I have opportunities and plans.. but mentally I am that plank.

Physically I’m just running wherever life takes me..

Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I am inviting Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

Copyright © 2019 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

Here’s the link to my debut poetry collection => Swinging Sanity

Here’s the link to my post about the book – All About Swinging Sanity

13 thoughts on “Rambling

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  1. Pegacorn hugs and hey, send me some of those vanilla cookies cos I,um, did not inherit the Betty Crocker cooking/baking gene. 😉
    Be good to yourself. ❤ And mega high fives for standing up for yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

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